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IOP Austin, TX

Austin Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program’s 60-Hour IOP (Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program) Austin, TX is geared to assist individuals who are chemically dependent or have been assessed within the problematic range of habitual drug or alcohol abuse. The curriculum focuses on the biopsychosocial perspective of addiction looking at the biological, psychological, and social causes of addiction. This IOP Austin, TX program also allows clients to continue in work and family life, promotes bonding among clients, and they allow clients to practice relapse prevention techniques in real-life situations.

IOP Austin, TX

  • Weeknights Virtual 6:00 – 9:30 pm Mon, Tues, Wed
  • Weekends in-person 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Sat & Sun

What will I learn?

Our IOP Austin, TX is 12-Step based, however here at our facility you will be working steps 1-5. You will develop an understand of how drugs has caused unmanageability in your life, you will develop and understanding of what a higher power is, you will learn how to utilize your higher power and you will develop and inventory of your life then discuss your findings with your sponsor. The following steps 6-12 you will work with your sponsor.

Additional to working the 12 steps with the IOP in Austin, TX we will explore the family system, identifying which roles we may fall into. We will discuss the disease concept emphasizing the characteristics of a disease.  You will develop a relapse prevention plan to aid you in dealing with your addiction issues when you are discharged from the program.  We will began the development of healthy communication, coping , and problem solving skills as we know these are vital to the recovery of substance addiction. We will look at where you received your value system and how our value system affects our choices. We will explore the issues related to parenting and stress as well as co-dependency.  We will look at the many issues related to self-esteem and explore ways into developing positive self esteem.

You will also learn about viruses and diseases related to substance dependence. We will learn about Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis C (as well as A & B), and Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS).

We know that this is a new life changing experience for you and Austin Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program will be happy to aid you during this phase of transition. Starting a road to recovery is difficult process and as is with any change there is adversity.  Austin Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program will equip you with the necessary skills and strategies needed in order to begin a life of sobriety.

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