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Relapse IOP Austin, TX

Relapse Outpatient Treatment in Austin

Relapse prevention is the method of teaching recovering patients to identify and manage relapse warning signs. Relapse Outpatient Treatment and Prevention is the primary focus for those who have difficulties staying sober. Recovery from substance abuse is not only the absence of abusing substances it is a full return to biological psychological and social functioning. Patients struggling with relapse and relapse-based issues are invited to join this interactive Relapse Outpatient Treatment and therapy IOP Austin, TX program that targets specific triggers and the special coping skills needed to transcend them. Individuals in this program share experiences and focus on social, work and leisure environments to avoid common addiction pitfalls. These patients are encouraged to confront self-defeating behaviors through personal and spiritual reflection. By recognizing their behavioral patterns, we hope these recovering addicts learn to strengthen specific coping skills, thereby increasing their chance of a full and successful recovery with our IOP in Austin, TX.

 If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms you may be interested in seeking help with our Relapse Outpatient Treatment in Austin:

Intensive Outpatient Program in Austin, TX

  • Have a mistaken belief that causes irrational thoughts
  • Began to return to addictive thinking pattern that cause painful feelings
  • Engage in compulsive, self-defeating behaviors as away to avoid the feelings
  • Seek out situations involving people who use mood-altering substances
  • Find yourself in a situation in which drug or alcohol use seems like a logical escape from their pain, and then use alcohol or drugs.

Upon completion of the relapse prevention plan you will be able to:

  • Abstain from alcohol and other mood altering substances
  • Separate from people, places, and things that promote the use of alcohol or drugs, and establish a social network that supports recovery
  • Stop self-defeating behaviors that prevent awareness of painful feelings and irrational thoughts
  • Learn how to manage feelings and emotions responsibly without resorting to compulsive behavior or the use of alcohol or drugs
  • Learn how to change addictive thinking patterns that create painful feelings and self-defeating behaviors
  • Identify and change the mistaken core beliefs about oneself, others, and the world that promote irrational thinking.

8 Week Relapse Prevention and Relapse Outpatient Treatment Program Schedule.

  • Weeknights Virtual 6:00 – 9:30 pm Mon, Tues, Wed
  • Weekends in-person 9:00 – 2:00 pm Sat and Sun

Approach • Desire • Access • Ambition • Possibilities