BE A Positive Force

Positive Waves

It seems our world is changing. Right now, life feels like a waiting game.
Wait to see what happens.
Wait to see who gets the virus.
Wait to see what the government will do.
Wait in line (a proper six feet apart) for groceries or prescriptions or take out food.

The problem is we are not used to waiting..
I am not used to waiting, I’m used to doing!

Now, I get the opportunity to simply BE! While waiting, I can:
BE a center of peace.
BE a source of hope.
BE a provider of compassion.
BE a personification of Love.

AND, I don’t have to wait for anything, or anyone, to BE-gin!
I can BE all that’s good in me, right away, & I can BE open to ways to help others.

Plus, while I await, there’s ample opportunity for my BEing to pray!

Another beneficial thing you CAN DO is simply reaching out to others, showing them, that they matter.
“I am thinking of you.”
“How are you doing?”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”

Do NOT be a Center of Gossip & Negativity!
BE a Bastion of Peace.
BE a Source of Joy.
BE a Center of Love.

Suellen Miller
Center for Spiritual Living Tulsa
3355 S Jamestown
Tulsa, OK 74135

PS. Remember to support your local Center. Since they are not meeting, contributions are definitely appreciated.