All posts by Rainbow Johnson

BE A Positive Force

Positive Waves

It seems our world is changing. Right now, life feels like a waiting game.
Wait to see what happens.
Wait to see who gets the virus.
Wait to see what the government will do.
Wait in line (a proper six feet apart) for groceries or prescriptions or take out food.

The problem is we are not used to waiting..
I am not used to waiting, I’m used to doing!

Now, I get the opportunity to simply BE! While waiting, I can:
BE a center of peace.
BE a source of hope.
BE a provider of compassion.
BE a personification of Love.

AND, I don’t have to wait for anything, or anyone, to BE-gin!
I can BE all that’s good in me, right away, & I can BE open to ways to help others.

Plus, while I await, there’s ample opportunity for my BEing to pray!

Another beneficial thing you CAN DO is simply reaching out to others, showing them, that they matter.
“I am thinking of you.”
“How are you doing?”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”

Do NOT be a Center of Gossip & Negativity!
BE a Bastion of Peace.
BE a Source of Joy.
BE a Center of Love.

Suellen Miller
Center for Spiritual Living Tulsa
3355 S Jamestown
Tulsa, OK 74135

PS. Remember to support your local Center. Since they are not meeting, contributions are definitely appreciated.

Change Your Approach

Change Ain’t Easy

The weather is changing! I love that it changes. I don’t always love what it changes to, but even those parts I don’t like as much eventually change.

Here’s my question to myself: I enjoy when the weather changes. Why do I resist other changes in my life? Other changes are happening all the time. Some are easy & some other are not so much so. I know part of my resistance is because I get into habits, & once a habit gets entrenched it is harder to shift.

Right now, one of my personal issues, is my resistance to technology. Learning new apps & software are making me dig my heals in & say “I don’t have time for that!” I know that is just an excuse. I know there is a learning curve on anything, & just starting out at something means I probably don’t know what I am doing. I also know that I’ll get better at it as I go along.

You’d think that learning new things would get easier as we age since we’ve done it so many times. But we also have more years of habits to shift. They do say that learning new things helps our brains stay young.

Life is good – Life is constantly changing, even when I am resistant!
Thank you God!

Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor

Prayer of The Four Agreements

BookMarkThe Four Agreements Prayer
by Don Miguel Ruiz

Thank you, Creator of the Universe, for the gift of life you have given me. Thank you for giving me everything that I have ever truly needed.

Thank you for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body & this wonderful mind. Thank you for living inside me with all your love, with your pure & boundless spirit, with your warm & radiant light.

Thank you for using my words, for using my eyes, for using my heart to share your love wherever I go. I love you just the way you are, & because I am your creation, I love myself just the way I am.

Help me to keep the love & the peace in my heart & to make that love a new way of life, that I may live in love the rest of my life.


rainbowRev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor


The Serenity Prayer, ReVisited

A New Take on “The Serenity Prayer”

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change, & the wisdom to know that it is ME!

It is true. The only thing I can be sure of changing is myself. Of course, when I change me, the Universe changes also to align with the new me. Whatthis means is that when I don’t like what I am seeing or hearing, it is time for me to change me – that is shift to a new TV or radio station, so I can see or hear different things.

When I quit looking for what I don’t like, & start looking for what I do like, I find there is much around me that is quite good. I find that people can & sometimes do change overnight when I quit expecting their behavior to be bad & start looking for how it is good. I have shifted my feelings from animosity to love.

We all need more love,
Love & Blessings

Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor

What’s Your Story?

Seize the Narrative (Live or Die)!

I was reading Catherine Ponder this morning & came across a story of a woman given 3 months to live. Her husband told her she could accept the diagnosis & die or reject it & live. But if she wanted to live, she had to do two things: First, stop talking about her operations, hospital experience & illness. Forget it. It’s over. Second, think about life, affirm life & expect to live. He suggested that she affirm “Let Divine Health manifest for me & in me now.”

This reminded me that we all need to tell a new story when we want something different. We need to let go of the old story, & embrace the new one.

I know that I have often held on to the old story WAY PAST its Use By date!!! I have often said, I don’t have the answer. I don’t know. But the truth is that something inside me does know. God knows. So instead of moaning about how I don’t know, I try to remember to affirm that God knows & is showing me the path. All I need to know is the next step. And if that step isn’t clear to me, then the next step must be prayer.

We can choose to let go of the old story of poor health, or poverty, or indecision, or failure.

I’m choosing to write a New Story.
How About You?
Live or Die!
What’s Your Story?

Never Forget You are An Amazing, Powerful, Brilliant, Awesome, Unique Divine Creation!
Go Forth & Spread the Love.
Thank You God!

Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor