Embracing The Unexpected

For thou art great, & doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. — Psalm 86:10

Nothing Happens By Chance!

Nothing happens by chance. A cause sets the Law of Mind in motion, & an inevitable effect results. We also know that there is an all-loving, all-wise, all-powerful energy in the Universe which we call God. And this God-Intelligence operates for the highest good of all.

Pat had not had ice cream in years. As she drove by an ice cream parlor one day, an irresistible urge compelled her to stop & enter. Once inside, she noticed that the clerk, who spoke English haltingly, was experiencing difficulty in talking with someone on the telephone. She turned to Pat & pleaded, “Please help. I no understand.”

Pat took the phone & discovered that she was talking to a girl who sounded as though she might be retarded. Since the girl could not formulate her thoughts very well, it took Pat nearly 15 minutes of patient listening, & questioning to discover that the girl’s mother was quite ill & that there was a phone number Pat needed to call for help. When Pat dialed the number, she reached the mother’s sister who said she would immediately go over & take care of the matter.

Coincidence? I think NOT!
God in action? A decided YES!

I know there is a Power greater than I am that resides in me. I know that this Power guides & protects me & is aware of my every move. As I draw closer & closer to my beloved God, more & more do I participate in miracles. Thank you, God!

Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor