Sink or Swim

What’s Your Life Jacket?


I have a Peanuts Joke A Day Calendar.
Yesterday’s entry showed Peppermint Patty as camp tent leader talking to 3 little girls.

“All right, Girls, this is your Swimming Test!”

“You are to swim back & forth, across the pool 6 times, “Free Style”. Then you are to swim back & forth, twice more using the “Back Stroke”. And again, twice more, back & forth, using the “Butterfly Stroke”.”

When she finishes with, “Any questions?”, one of the girls asks, “Is this with or without life-jackets?”

Isn’t this just like life? Before we try or do anything, we want to know if there’s a life jacket available. What if we fail? What if we look dumb, when we try? What if we don’t do it perfectly?

The answer to such fearful introspection is SO WHAT?!

If you taPattyke a step back & examine Life with an unbiased eye, you’ll realize that living is about trying & doing things, often looking silly & imperfect, & sometimes failing!
God is our spiritual life jacket, & God is always present.
Besides, “Failing & looking silly & being imperfect” are usually based upon someone else’s opinion.
We can use a physical life jacket, until we learn to swim proficiently. And we can rely on our Real Life Jacket, God, to stay the course of our life’s journey.
So what is yours to do? Do you know your next step?

Each step you make in life is preparing you for the next!
God is your life jacket & God is always with you!
Thank you God!

Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor