Accepting UnExpected Truths

Thou shalt also decree a thing, & it shall be established unto thee..  — Job 22:28

… a realization of the Divine Presence has the power to neutralize negative thought …  — The Science of Mind, pg 183


We know it is not easy to turn from pain & illness to that which is perfect, but it can be done.

I was working at a Fortune 500 Corporation. My cubicle was in a huge room containing 24 cubicles in all. The main topics of conversation were: medications, doctors’ visits, hospitalization, headaches, symptoms & illness in general. Everyone in the room was sick except me. They were coughing, feverish, sputtering, gagging, choking & sneezing.

It was the end of another day of “The Microbe Symphony.” I said good night to my supervisor. In response, he said to me. “It’s just a matter of time before you get sick!”

I sent him rays of love & perfection as I retorted, “Not me! I refuse to accept that! I’m perfect just the way I am!” He looked at me oddly as he went away, coughing.

The next day, as I sat at my computer, I had a wonderful time “beaming” love & perfection to each individual in the room, as they sneezed their way through the day.

Within a week, everyone was well & the topic changed to politics. The great thing I discovered was that the same method could be used for any negativity. All I had to do was surround myself with an invisible bubble of love to prevent the negativity from entering my atmosphere. Then I would beam the speaker with rays of love & perfection & just say, “Not me! I refuse to accept that! I’m perfect just the way I am!”


Today I perceive only spiritual Truth. I bless my environment with love & perfection & know that I am the gatekeeper of my consciousness. I’m perfect just the way I am!

Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson
ADAAP Clergy Counselor